From the team that brought you Arizona Sunshine comes an epic VR action FPS with intense co-op gameplay at its core. Team up with friends and take on a hostile VR world filled with ferocious undead–mutated and twisted by the relentless cold.
Release Date: Dec 9, 2021
Developer/Publisher: Vertigo Games
Supported Headsets: HTC Vive, Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Quest w/Link, Meta Quest 2, Windows Mixed Reality, PSVR, PSVR2
Supported Controllers: Tracked motion Controllers
Oculus/Meta Cross-Buy: Yes
Game Modes: Single Player, Online Co-op Multiplayer, Online Multiplayer
Release Status: Full release
Demo Available: No
Supported Add-ons/SDKs:
Locomotion options: Smooth Movement, Teleport
Turning options: Snap or Smooth
Roomscale: Yes
Sitting: Yes Standing: Yes
Left Handed option: Yes
In-Game Height Calibration: Yes
Comfort options: Vignette
Avatar: Only Hands
Gear/Inventory: waist holster and chest holster or Menu system accessible with a button (Menu option to choose between the two), wrist sleeves
Health Display Location: On arm/wrist
In-Game Tutorial: Yes
Physical Activity level: Moderate
Play length: About 5 hrs for the first playthrough of the 5 current levels but they are made to replay to collect upgrades so it’s really infinite.
Number of Levels: 5 harvest run levels and a 4X4 PVP mode with 2 maps
Difficulty Options: Survivor, veteran, master, nightmare
Mod Support: No

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Overall rating
- Best co-op VR multiplayer game available
- Fast-paced and high on action.
- Shooting feels good and zombies are satisfying to shoot
- Great visuals and graphics.
- Upgradable weapons
- Hordes and ammo box spawns are randomized which helps with re-playability.
- Lots of gameplay options to accommodate different preferred play styles. (Manual reloading or auto-reloading | Physical weapons holster or weapons wheel)
- Lacking content with only 5 levels and 6 guns at launch
- Way to many duplicate upgrade pieces received from collecting floppies after completing harvest runs. Currently its a bit discouraging to want to keep re-playing rounds for upgrades with all the duplicates.
- There are bugs and some are game breaking bugs. Enough to feel like this game should have been released in Early Access or 6 months from now. (Devs are responding and seem to be working on fixing all the issues.)
- A.I. teammates are pretty dumb. They often run straight into the middle of giant hordes of zombies getting themselves killed. They also often get in the way, placing themselves right in front of my bullets. Because of this playing single player on the harder difficulties is not really possible.
Information last verified/updated: December 18, 2021
Information, menu images and review based on the Steam version of the game. There may be slight differences between platforms.
Not up to date? Submit a request here and we will review our information with the current version of the game.