
Dead Effect 2 is the newest addition to the acclaimed Dead Effect franchise. This action sci-fi shooter is looking to push the boundaries of first-person shooters to new levels with slick graphics, rich narrative and RPG elements.


Basic Info

Release Date: Oct 3, 2017

Developer:  BadFly Interactive

Publisher:  App Holdings

Supported Head sets: HTC Vive, Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Quest w/Link (PCVR)

Supported Controllers: Tracked motion Controllers

Game Modes: Single Player, Online Co-op Multiplayer

Release Status: Full release + 1 DLC

Demo Available: No

Gameplay Info

Locomotion options: Smooth Movement or Teleport

Turning options: Snap (degree of turn options availible) or Smooth

Roomscale: Yes

Sitting: No Standing: Yes

Left Handed option: Yes

In-Game Height Calibration: Yes

Comfort options: Movement FOV reduction can be enabled

Avatar: Hands and forearms

Gear/Inventory: Waist holster and chest holster. Menu inventory system accessible with a button

Health Display Location: On wrist

In-Game Tutorial: Yes

Physical Activity level: Mild

Play length:  9+ hours

Number of Levels: 

Difficulty Options:  Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare, Hell

Mod Support: No

What does this all mean?

If you have any questions or confusion about the information provided, please see the below link.

Gameplay Video
Menu Options Screenshots: (Taken from in-game)

Developer Contact






Information last verified/updated: May 21, 2019

Information, menu images and review based on the Steam version of the game. There may be slight differences between platforms.

Not up to date? Submit a request here and we will review our information with the current version of the game.