
Point your fingers, launch your attacks, and survive in Hand to Hand Combat! A Virtual Reality Action game made for the Valve Index Controllers. Slow Motion, Physics, Secret Agents!

Basic Info

Release Date: Jun 28, 2019

Developer/Publisher:  James Nye

Supported Headsets: HTC Vive, Valve Index

Supported Controllers: Game was designed specifically for Valve Index (Knuckles) controllers only. Fully uses the finger tracking.

Game Modes: Single Player

Release Status: Full release

Demo Available: No

Gameplay Info

Locomotion options: Smooth Movement

Turning options: Snap

Roomscale: Yes

Sitting: No Standing: Yes

Left Handed option: No

In-Game Height Calibration: No (Note: I had to use Open VR Advanced settings to adjust my height. My avatar was in the floor to about knee length before making this adjustment. Per the dev, this should be fixed with the next update)

Comfort options: None

Avatar: Full body

Gear/Inventory: None or N/A

Health Display Location: On arm/wrist

In-Game Tutorial: Yes

Physical Activity level:  Mild

Play length:  N/A – sandbox game

Difficulty Options:  None

Mod Support: No

What does this all mean?

If you have any questions or confusion about the information provided, please see the below link.

Gameplay Video
Menu Options Screenshots: (Taken from in-game)

Developer Contact




Information last verified/updated: December 23, 2019

Special thank you to the developer for providing a review key!

Information, menu images and review based on the Steam version of the game. There may be slight differences between platforms.

Not up to date? Submit a request here and we will review our information with the current version of the game.