Be a rockstar, smash up hotels, make a deal with the Devil and become infamous. No easy feat! Pressure from hotel staff and your own weak wrists are against you, but with over 34 weapons and upgrades available, time to get creative with your destruction.
Release Date: Aug 29, 2019
Developer/Publisher: Wolf & Wood Interactive Ltd
Supported Headsets: HTC Vive, Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Quest w/Link (PCVR), Windows Mixed Reality, PSVR2
Supported Controllers: Tracked motion Controllers (Index/Knuckles- supported and function without issue. No finger tracking)
Game Modes: Single Player, Local Multiplayer
Release Status: Full Release
Demo Available: Yes
Locomotion options: Smooth Movement(Controller or HMD) or Arm Swinging
Turning options: Snap: Degree of turn options are available (Vive Touchpad – Press) or Smooth : Two speed options (Vive Touchpad- Press)
Roomscale: Yes
Sitting: No Standing: Yes
Left Handed option: No
In-Game Height Calibration: Yes
Comfort options: None
Avatar: Full body
Gear/Inventory: Not carried on you, but you can bring unlockable items into the hotel to help you destroy it. Items are in a large box somewhere in the room.
Health Display Location: No display. Hands can become bloody and broken. Vision goes black/closes.
In-Game Tutorial: Yes
Physical Activity level: Moderate
Number of Levels: 2 modes and 4 mini games. Modes: World Tour – 5 hotels(4 need to be unlocked) and 25 challenges. Party Mode – 5 sets of 5 fast games.
Play length: Took about 7 hours to unlock all the hotels and see the ending scene. This is with the minimum 15/25 challenges complete.
Difficulty Options: None
Mod Support: No

Information last verified/updated: December 1, 2019
Information, menu images and review based on the Steam version of the game. There may be slight differences between platforms.
Not up to date? Submit a request here and we will review our information with the current version of the game.