Island 359 is a Virtual Reality survival game for the HTC Vive and Oculus Touch. Players will scrounge for weapons, upgrades, food, and other items they can find to survive for as long as they can against hordes of dinosaurs, as they explore the increasingly dangerous, beautiful, and expansive island.
Release Date: Feb 26, 2018
Developer/Publisher: CloudGate Studio, Inc.
Supported Headsets: HTC Vive, Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Quest w/Link (PCVR)
Supported Controllers: Tracked motion Controllers
Game Modes: Single Player
Release Status: Full release
Demo Available: No
Locomotion options: Smooth Movement or Teleport
Turning options: Snap: Degree of turn options are available (Vive Touchpad – Press) or Smooth : Speed options are available (Vive Touchpad- Touch)
Roomscale: Yes
Sitting: No Standing: Yes
Left Handed option: Yes
In-Game Height Calibration: Yes
Comfort options: None
Avatar: Full body
Gear/Inventory: Backpack on back that can be removed by reaching over your shoulder and grabbing it. Bullet types have a separate menu system accessible with a button.
Health Display Location: On wrist watch
In-Game Tutorial: Yes
Physical Activity level: Mild
Play length:
Number of Levels: 3 game modes – Survival (Open world, Crafting, Keep up on: Health, Hunger, Stamina and Energy), Arcade (Wave shooter) , Mercenary (hunt dinosaurs for currency)
Difficulty Options: None
Mod Support: No

Information last verified/updated: May 26, 2019
Information, menu images and review based on the Steam version of the game. There may be slight differences between platforms.
Not up to date? Submit a request here and we will review our information with the current version of the game.