POLYBIUS is a fast, trippy tunnel shooter playable on a normal screen or in VR for the best effect. It features 50 levels of blissful trance shooting action set to a blistering soundtrack. The PS4 version was EDGE Magazine’s VR GOTY in 2017, and the PC version of the game was even used as the basis for a NIN music video. So put on your trance trousers, bust out the Oculus if you have one, and strap in for a euphoric ride.
Release Date: Dec 21, 2018
Developer/Publisher: Llamasoft Ltd.
Supported Headsets: HTC Vive, Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Quest w/Link (PCVR), PSVR
Supported Controllers: Tracked motion Controllers or Gamepad
Game Modes: Single Player
Release Status: Full release
Demo Available: No
Locomotion options: Forward movement not player controlled (On-rails). Gamepad controlled third person ship.
Turning options: Gamepad controlled third person ship.
Roomscale: No
Sitting: Yes Standing: No
Left Handed option: N/A
In-Game Height Calibration: N/A
Comfort options: None
Avatar: Third person
Gear/Inventory: None or N/A
Health Display Location: Top middle (Shields)
In-Game Tutorial: No
Physical Activity level: None
Play length: 12 + hours
Number of Levels: 50
Difficulty Options: Classic (Allows restart of best), Yolo (No shield increase at level end) or Pure (Restart from level 1)
Mod Support: No

Information last verified/updated: June 2, 2019
Information, menu images and review based on the Steam version of the game. There may be slight differences between platforms.
Not up to date? Submit a request here and we will review our information with the current version of the game.