Rags to Dishes is a single player, virtual reality (VR) cooking game where you’ll have the chance to travel back in time to the medieval ages and serve some delicious dishes to hungry villagers!
Release Date: November 11, 2020
Developer/Publisher: Novity
Supported Headsets: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Quest w/Link (PCVR), Valve Index
Supported Controllers: Tracked motion Controllers
Game Modes: Single Player
Release Status: Full release
Demo Available: No
Locomotion options: Roomscale (360)
Turning options: Physical(No button. Turn your body)
Roomscale: Yes
Sitting: No Standing: Yes
Left Handed: Yes – N/A
In-Game Height Calibration: Yes
Comfort options: None/Not needed
Avatar: Only Hands
Gear/Inventory: N/A
Health Display Location: Customer’s have patience meters above their heads.
In-Game Tutorial: Yes
Physical Activity level: Moderate – High
Play length: 6+ hours for the campaign. Also a 5 min party mode to test/improve your skills.
Number of Levels: 3 in the campaign – Peasants, Nobles & Royals
Difficulty Options: None
Mod Support: No

Overall rating
- Game mechanics are really smooth, the physics feel good and the game flows really nicely.
- This game can handle fast and frantic movements without any issues!
- The artwork and animations look great.
- The actions/movements to make recipes feel intuitive.
- Each level(kitchen) has unique upgrades to unlock that help with efficiency and speed.
- It has a story that nicely connects the levels and level progression that keeps you wanting to play more.
Special thank you to the devs for the honor and privilege of beta testing this game before it was released!
Information last verified/updated: Feb. 13, 2021 (Height adjust update)
Information, menu images and review based on the Steam version of the game. There may be slight differences between platforms.
Not up to date? Submit a request here and we will review our information with the current version of the game.